What We're Doing
Water + Us: How We Think, Feel, and Take Action on Water
The Water Main teamed up with the APM Research Lab to conduct the first nationally representative survey designed to measure Americans’ knowledge, connection, concern, and action related to water issues facing the country. Overall, the survey results show that Americans have relatively high connection with- and concern for- water, but relatively low overall knowledge, and variable levels of action. Learn more >>
Water Use and Pollution Survey
The major U.S. industries interact with water in diverse ways. Some use or pollute water more than others. Do Americans know how the pillars of our economy stack up when it comes to water? To find out, the Water Main launched a survey in partnership with APM Research Lab. Learn more >>
How Americans Relate to Water
The Water Main wanted to know: How do Americans relate to water? To shed light on that question, we partnered with the APM Research Lab and Wilder Research to conduct this national study that asked Americans just that. For this study, a total of 201 surveys were completed with respondents from 11 selected regions of the United States, for an overall response rate of 5.5%. Learn more >>