The Water Main

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Folwell Neighborhood Association Ice Cream Social

The Folwell neighborhood is located within a mile of the Mississippi River but residents say they don’t feel connected to the river even with their close proximity. Afterall, the neighborhood is separated from the water by the I-94 interstate highway and the Upper Harbor Terminal aban-doned industrial site. In addition cultural and economic equity have historically created deep divi-sions between many African American communities and bodies of water.

But as the neighborhood Association is working to build and deepen connections among resi-dents - they are also working to build connection with the land and water where they live. In their annual neighborhood Ice Cream Social, this took the form of snow cones. Water Main spon-sored neighborhood resident Lady Kay’s snow cone business to offer free shaved ice for resi-dents at the annual event. It’s one, small but surprising way to highlight water and connect people with its value.